Tác giả: Dương Nguyễn Phú Cường
Ngày đăng:
5/2/2025, 18:44
Lượt xem: 47
#!/bin/bash # Purpose: Set file permission to read-only # Author: nixCraft <www.cyberciti.biz> under GPL v2.0+ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # DocumentRoot permissions _dp="0544" _fp="0444" _sp="0744" # Apache user/group _user="www-data" _group="www-data" ## If $1 is not passed, set to the current working dir using $PWD _dir="${1:-${PWD}}" ## Die if $dir does not exists [ ! -d "$_dir" ] && { echo "Error: Directory $_dir not found."; exit 2; } ## Get confirmation echo "I will change file permission for the webserver dir and files to restrictive read-only mode." read -p "The current working dir is ${PWD}. Are you sure (y / n) ?" ans ## Lowercase $ans and compare it if [ "${ans,,}" == "y" ] then chown -R ${_user}:${_group} "$_dir" chmod -R $_fp "$_dir" fi