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14/3/2025, 8:32
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Giao thức truyền tải tập tin FTP và FTP Server
FTP là giao thức sử dụng để truyền tải tập tin (file), sử dụng cổng (port) 21 mặc định.
FTP Server là máy chủ chuyên dùng để quản trị việc cấu hình truyền tải tập tin (file) thông qua giao thức FTP.
Cách khởi tạo FTP Server trên Window
Step 1: cài đặt FTP Server trên máy chủ Window
Đối với máy chủ Window Server 2012+
- On the Start screen, click the Server Manager tile, then click Yes.
- In the Server Manager Dashboard, click Add roles and features.
- If the Before you begin page of Add Roles and Features Wizard is displayed, click Next.
- On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based installation, and click Next.
- On the Select destination server page, select Select a server from the server pool, select your server from the Server Pool list, and then click Next.
- On the Select server roles page, expand the Web Server (IIS) node, and then expand the FTP Server node.
- Select the FTP Server check box and the FTP Service check box, and then click Next.
- On the Select features page, click Next.
- On the Confirm installation selections page, click Install.
Đối với máy chủ Window 10
- On the Start screen, type Control Panel, and then click the Control Panel icon in the search results.
- Click Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.
- In the Windows Features dialog box, expand the Internet Information Services node.
- Expand the FTP Server node.
- Select the FTP Server check box and the FTP Service check box, and then click OK.
Step 2: khởi tạo FTP Side
- Open IIS Manager.
- In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click the Sites node.
- In the Actions pane, click Add FTP Site to open the Add FTP Site wizard.
- On the Site Information page, in the FTP site name box, type a unique friendly name for the FTP site.
- In the Physical path box, type the physical path or click the browse button (...) to locate the physical path of the content directory.
- Click Next to open the Binding and SSL Settings page.
- Under Binding, in the IP Address list, select or type an IP address if you do not want the IP address to remain All Unassigned.
- In the Port box, type the port number.
- Optionally, in the Virtual Host box, type a host name if you want to host multiple FTP sites on a single IP address. For example, type
- Clear the Start FTP site automatically box if you want to start the site manually.
- Under SSL, from the SSL Certificate list, select a certificate. Optionally, click View to open the Certificates dialog box and verify information about the selected certificate.
- Select one of the following options:
- Allow SSL: Allows the FTP server to support both non-SSL and SSL connections with a client.
- Require SSL: Requires SSL encryption for communication between the FTP server and a client.
- Click Next to open the Authentication and Authorization Information page.
- Under Authentication, select the authentication method or methods that you want to use:
- Anonymous: Allows any user to access content providing only the user name anonymous or ftp. (Most, but not all, FTP clients enter user name for you automatically.)
- Basic: Requires users to provide a valid user name and password to access content. Because Basic authentication transmits unencrypted passwords across the network, use this authentication method only when you know that the connection between the client and FTP server is secure, such as by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
- Under Authorization, from the Allow access to list, select one of the following options:
- All Users: All users, whether they are anonymous or identified, can access the content.
- Anonymous Users: Anonymous users can access the content.
- Specified Roles or User Groups: Only members of certain roles or user groups can access the content. Type the role or user group in the corresponding box.
- Specified Users: Only specified users can access the content. Type the user name in the corresponding box.
- If you selected an option from the Allow access to list, select one or both of the following permissions:
- Read: Permits authorized users to read content from the directory.
- Write: Permits authorized users to write to the directory.
- Click Finish.
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