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Use Laravel in subfolder

Use Laravel in subfolder

Tác giả: Dương Nguyễn Phú Cường
Ngày đăng: 28/2/2025, 3:6
Lượt xem: 96


Running Laravel 5 in a Subdirectory

Running Laravel 5 in a subdirectory (instead of a subdomain or top-level domain) is easy but there's one gotcha.

Step 1: Apache Config

Make sure to alias your subdirectory to the public directory of your Laravel project. Let's say my site is going to be at http://mydomain.com/laravel-site. My Apache config would look like this:
Alias /laravel-site /path/to/laravel/public
<Directory /path/to/laravel/public>
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Step 2: Laravel .htaccess file

This was that part I got stuck on. The / route was fine but all other routes threw an Internal Server Error (which turned out to be a redirect loop). To fix this, add the following to your public/.htaccess file:
RewriteBase /laravel-site

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