Cookies | Sessions |
Cookies are stored in browser as text file format. | Sessions are stored in server side. |
It is stored limit amount of data. | It is stored unlimited amount of data |
It is only allowing 4kb[4096bytes]. | It is holding the multiple variable in sessions. |
It is not holding the multiple variable in cookies. | It is holding the multiple variable in sessions. |
we can accessing the cookies values in easily. So it is less secure. | we cannot accessing the session values in easily.So it is more secure. |
setting the cookie time to expire the cookie. | using session_destory(), we we will destroyed the sessions. |
The setcookie() function must appear BEFORE the <html> tag. | The session_start() function must be the very first thing in your document. Before any HTML tags. |
<?php setcookie(name, value, expire, path,domain, secure, httponly); $cookie_uame = "user"; $cookie_uvalue= "Hitesh Kumar"; //set cookies for 1 hour time setcookie($cookie_uname, $cookie_uvalue, 3600, "/"); //expire cookies setcookie($cookie_uname,"",-3600); ?>Example of Session:
<?php session_start(); //session variable $_SESSION['user'] = 'Hitesh'; //destroyed the entire sessions session_destroy(); //Destroyed the session variable "user". unset($_SESSION['user']); ?>
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