struct Books { public string title; public string author; public string subject; public int book_id; };The following program shows the use of the structure −
using System; struct Books { public string title; public string author; public string subject; public int book_id; }; public class testStructure { public static void Main(string[] args) { Books Book1; /* Declare Book1 of type Book */ Books Book2; /* Declare Book2 of type Book */ /* book 1 specification */ Book1.title = "C Programming"; = "Nuha Ali"; Book1.subject = "C Programming Tutorial"; Book1.book_id = 6495407; /* book 2 specification */ Book2.title = "Telecom Billing"; = "Zara Ali"; Book2.subject = "Telecom Billing Tutorial"; Book2.book_id = 6495700; /* print Book1 info */ Console.WriteLine( "Book 1 title : {0}", Book1.title); Console.WriteLine("Book 1 author : {0}",; Console.WriteLine("Book 1 subject : {0}", Book1.subject); Console.WriteLine("Book 1 book_id :{0}", Book1.book_id); /* print Book2 info */ Console.WriteLine("Book 2 title : {0}", Book2.title); Console.WriteLine("Book 2 author : {0}",; Console.WriteLine("Book 2 subject : {0}", Book2.subject); Console.WriteLine("Book 2 book_id : {0}", Book2.book_id); Console.ReadKey(); } }When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Book 1 title : C Programming Book 1 author : Nuha Ali Book 1 subject : C Programming Tutorial Book 1 book_id : 6495407 Book 2 title : Telecom Billing Book 2 author : Zara Ali Book 2 subject : Telecom Billing Tutorial Book 2 book_id : 6495700
using System; struct Books { private string title; private string author; private string subject; private int book_id; public void getValues(string t, string a, string s, int id) { title = t; author = a; subject = s; book_id = id; } public void display() { Console.WriteLine("Title : {0}", title); Console.WriteLine("Author : {0}", author); Console.WriteLine("Subject : {0}", subject); Console.WriteLine("Book_id :{0}", book_id); } }; public class testStructure { public static void Main(string[] args) { Books Book1 = new Books(); /* Declare Book1 of type Book */ Books Book2 = new Books(); /* Declare Book2 of type Book */ /* book 1 specification */ Book1.getValues("C Programming", "Nuha Ali", "C Programming Tutorial",6495407); /* book 2 specification */ Book2.getValues("Telecom Billing", "Zara Ali", "Telecom Billing Tutorial", 6495700); /* print Book1 info */ Book1.display(); /* print Book2 info */ Book2.display(); Console.ReadKey(); } }When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
Title : C Programming Author : Nuha Ali Subject : C Programming Tutorial Book_id : 6495407 Title : Telecom Billing Author : Zara Ali Subject : Telecom Billing Tutorial Book_id : 6495700
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